ML5 Blazor

Written a easy Machine Learning Library for Blazor Web Assembly. Supports creation of, Neural Network, Image Classification, Sound Classifier, Object Detector (YOLO and COCOSSD based), PoseNet Models (built on top of ML5). 50K+ Nuget Downloads

C#, JS (Blazor Web Assembly)

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Visual Scripting System

Written a Cross Platform Desktop Visual Scripting Editor. Also built a parser and transpiler to transpiles output to python code.

C++ (QT)

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8085 Simulator (Web)

Written a Simulator for 8085 on Blazor Web Assembly, Wrote a Assembler for it from Scratch.

C# (Blazor Web Assembly)

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Multimedia Streamer

A application build with electron.js that can broadcast local multimedia content to other nearby devices directly with wifi on browser. Supported platforms Windows,Mac,Linux.

JS (ElectronJS)

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Genetic Algorithm Unity

This AI tries to navigate through the level. It evolves at the end of each generation. The Best of each generation shown in green, dead collided players shown with the white and active player with yellow color.

C# (Unity)

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Sonic Downloader

Multi threaded downloader , it is faster than few paid Download Managers out there, It does not require time taking merging process of temporary files. Parallel requests are made to download a given file. It smartly runs in background.

C# (WinForms)

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Draw To Mesh

Create 2D image on an Online Canvas and Convert that to a 3D Doodle, With triangulation created 3D mesh.You can export to OBJ file

C#,JS (Blazor Web Assembly)

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Many More Projects

On Github @sps014